As of Tuesday November 22 at 3:08 PM EST from Brockville. Clip from NASASpaceflight, here’s their live feed NASASpaceflight. T-10 minutes and looking good. And scrubbed at about 3 minutes to go. It will now be Saturday November 26 at 2:20 PM with a 60% chance for launch, with then next window after being Sunday.

Although this won’t be SpaceX’s first double launch in a day. I believe it to be the first at the Cape in Florida. It will be the first flight for one Falcon 9 and a final fight for the last launch of the day. In with the new, out with the old. It’s amazing that the last Falcon 9 will be flying for the eleventh time today, although it’s last. There are 2 Falcon 9’s that have flown 14 times, B 1051 & 1058. Looking forward to seeing which of these breaks 15, which is the most for any rocket. Might be some competition going on between these Falcons.

Ben Cooper @LaunchPhoto
Two Falcon 9s stand ready on Pads 39A (foreground) & 40
Photo Credit: Ben Cooper @LaunchPhoto

Pad 39A is famous for the Apollo missions as well as the Space Shuttle flights.

Dragon CRS-2 SpX-26

First launch of the day is the maiden flight of B1076, Falcon 9’s first stage as well as the first flight for SpaceX’s newest Cargo Dragon C 211. The time lapse below is from a different launch, it shows how they stand Falcon 9.

B1076 will be landing on the drone ship “Just Read the Instructions”. Depending on the weather at the Cape, currently showing as a 90 % violation for launch. Which is not favorable for launch. The instantaneous launch window is at 3:54 p.m. ET (20:54 UTC). Because they are sending cargo to the Internation Space Station. The launch window is narrow. Which puts a backup launch opportunity on Saturday, November 26 at 2:20 p.m. ET (19:20 UTC), pending range approval.

Current look at precipitation.

Currently looking promising for the second launch later. It would be really great for both.

CRS-19 Mission

You can watch the first launch live here directly from SpaceX.
Dragon CRS-2 post for more information as it’s live now. Or click the video above to go live.


The sound Falcon 9 launch of the day. Weather for this launch is looking a little better than Dragon CRS-2 SpX-26. Here’s the mission post for Eutelsat 10B Mission.

<More to come> Currently focused on Dragon CRS-2 SpX-26 as it’s getting close to launch.

That was close to being a nail bitter for the rocket people. Unfortunately, they had to scrub due to weather. It was looking good at 10 minutes to launch, then about 3 minutes that all changed. Would have been amazing had SpaceX done this today. they will definitely will soon.

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